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The Bogliasco Foundation is an American nonprofit with a program in Italy that awards Fellowships to individuals of all ages and nationalities who have made significant contributions in the arts and humanities.

“An artistically life-changing experience”

- Allison Amend,
2021 Fellow in Literature,
United States

“Inspired new, exciting and unplanned work”

- Evan Fallenberg,
2022 Fellow in Theater,

“The first residency that I really felt at home”

- Gary Peterson,
2022 Fellow in Visual Arts,
United States

Fellows live and work in bucolic surroundings on the coast near Genoa, where natural beauty combines with an intimate group setting to encourage inquiry and transformative exchange across all disciplines.


For the 2023-2024 semesters, a number of Special Fellowships in a variety of disciplines will be available, most of which include travel stipends. All applicants will automatically be considered for any Special Fellowships for which they would be eligible, but should include a note in the application if they wish to be considered for one in particular. Thanks to generous support from the Helen Frankenthaler Foundation, we are pleased to announce the new Helen Frankenthaler Bogliasco Special Fellowship in Visual Arts. Designated for a promising early career woman visual artist from any nation, the Fellowship comes with a $2000 stipend.


The Foundation welcomes applications from individuals doing creative or scholarly work in the following disciplines: archaeology, architecture, classics, dance, film/video, history, landscape architecture, literature, music, philosophy, theater, and visual arts. The Foundation awards approximately 60 Fellowships each year in seven residency periods that run from September through May.

Announcing the Bogliasco Foundation Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 Fellowship Awards

We are pleased to announce the awardees of this year's Bogliasco Foundation Fellowships - a group of 59 artists and scholars representing 14 disciplines, 20 countries and 6 continents. These exceptional early, mid and late career individuals, who range in age from 29 to 78, will develop projects during five-week residencies beginning in September 2022 and ending in late May 2023.

Click here to learn more about the Spring 2023 Fellows and the projects they are developing while in residence.